Friday, June 22, 2007

Signage around Guatemala

These are some of the interesting and often humorous signs that we've seen on our travels around the country and also right here in Xela.

To view the slideshow, click the photo below. When it transfers you to a Picasa photo album, click the "Slideshow" button in the upper left corner.



Signage around Guatemala


Dzeniferka said...

À hilarious collection... Thanks for the illustrations!

Unknown said...

jooolines Carlitos, esta forma de conocer un país es auténticamente tuya, está muy bien. Me ha gustado con los sanitarios el alivio!!! hmmm! son un alivio!

GeoTrix said...

Thanks for the slideshow! I didn't see many of these signs while in Xela, but the photo from Democracia terminal brought back some memories.